Comme l'année dernière, nous vous avons préparé une liste des jeux présentés à l'E3 2004. Parce qu'on ne veut pas que vous soyez perdus dans le flot d'annonces et de communiqués générés par l'approche de ce salon mondial, on s'occupe de regrouper les titres qui feront – ou ne feront pas – le futur du jeu vidéo dans les mois à venir. (360 jeux)

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- 100 Bullets (PS2, Xbox)
- A.I.M., Artificial Intelligence Machine (PC)
- Ace Combat 5 (PS2)
- Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring (PC)
- Airborne Troops (PC & PS2)
- ALFA: Antiterror (PC)
- Alias (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- All-Star Baseball 2005 (PS2)
- Alpha Black Zero (PC)
- Altered Beast (PS2)
- America's Army: Operations(PC)
- Anno 1??? (PC)
- Arc The Lad Online (PS2)
- Area 51 (PS2, Xbox)
- Armies of Exigo (PC)
- Ascension to the Throne (PC)
- Asterix & Obelix: Kick Buttix (PS2, Xbox)
- Astro Boy (PS2)
- Athens Summer Olympics (PS2)
- Atlantis Evolution (PC)
- ATV Offroad Fury 3 (PS2)
- Aura (PC)
- Auto Assault (PC)
- Axis & Allies (PC)
- Axle Rage (PC, PS2)
- B.C. (Xbox)
- Backyard Baseball (PS2)
- Backyard Skater (PC)
- The Bard's Tale (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Baten Kaitos (GC)
- Battlefield 2 (PC)
- Battlefied: Modern Combat (PS2)
- Besieger (PC)
- Black & White 2 (PC)
- Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon (PC)
- Blitzkrieg 2 (PC)
- Bloodrayne 2 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- Blood Will Tell (PS2)
- Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (GBA)
- Borderzone (PC)
- Brigade E5: New Jagged Union (PC)
- Brothers in Arms (GC, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Bujingai : Swordmaster (PS2)
- Burnout 3 (PS2, Xbox)
- Call of Cthulhu (PC, Xbox)
- Call of Duty (PS2)
- Call of Duty: United Offensive (PC)
- Captain Blood (PC)
- Catwoman (PS2, Xbox)
- Champions: Return To Arms (PS2)
- Chris Sawyer's Locomotion (PC)
- The Chronicles of Riddick (Xbox)
- City of Vilains (PC)
- Club Football 2005 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- Codename: Panzers (PC)
- Cold Fear (PS2)
- Cold War (PC)
- Cold Winter (PS2, Xbox)
- Colin McRae Rally 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers (PS2, Xbox)
- Conflict: Vietnam (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- Conker: Live & Uncut (Xbox)
- COPS 2170: The Power of Law (PC)
- Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars (PC)
- Crash 'n' Burn (PS2, Xbox)
- Crash Twinsanity (PS2, Xbox)
- Creature Conflict: The Clan Wars (PC)
- Crescent Suzuki Racing: Superbikes and Super Side Cars (PS2)
- Crimson Tears (PS2)
- Cuban Missile Crisis (PC)
- CT Special Forces: Fire For Effect (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- Cyclone Circus (PS2)
- D-Day (PC)
- Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (PS2)
- Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs (PC)
- Dark Age of Camelot: New Frontiers (PC)
- Dark Cloud 3 (PS2)
- Dark Fall 2 (PC)
- Darkwatch: Curse of the West (PS2, Xbox)
- Dead Rush (PC)
- Dead to Rights II : Hell to Pay (PS2, Xbox)
- Death by Degrees Def Jam Vendetta 2 (PS2)
- Def Jam Vendetta 2 (CG, PS2, Xbox)
- Desert Law (PC)
- Destroy All Humans ! (PS2, Xbox)
- Digital Devil Saga : Avatar Tuner(PS2)
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (GBA)
- Donkey Konga (GC)
- Doom 3 (Xbox, PC)
- Dormeuse (titre provisoire) (PC)
- Dragon Age (PC)
- Dragon Empires (PC)
- Driv3r (PS2, Xbox)
- Driven To Destruction (PS2)
- DS (working name)
- Duel Masters (PS2)
- Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee (PS2, Xbox)
- Dungeon Lords (PC)
- Dungeon Siege 2 (PC)
- Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires (PS2)
- Eastside Hockey Manager (PC)
- El Matador (PC)
- Empire Earth 2 (PC)
- ESPN NBA 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- ESPN NFL 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- ESPN NHL 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- L'Etrange Noël de M. Jack (PS2)
- Everquest II (PC)
- Evil Genius (PC)
- Fable (Xbox)
- Fahrenheit (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Far Cry Instincts (Xbox)
- FIFA 2005(PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Fight Club (PS2, Xbox)
- Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia (PS2)
- Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
- Fire Captain: Bay Area Inferno (PC)
- Firestarter (PC)
- Flat Out (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Football Generation (PS2)
- Football Manager 2005 (PC)
- Forbidden Siren (PS2)
- Ford Racing 3 (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Forgotten Realms : Demon Stone (PS2)
- Formula 1 2005 (PS2)
- Front Mission 4 (PS2)
- Full Spectrum Warrior (PC, Xbox)
- Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (PS2)
- Fuzion Frenzy 2 (Xbox)
- Gadget et les Gadgetinis (PS2, PC)
- Garfield (PS2, PC)
- The Getaway 2 (PS2)
- God of War (PS2)
- The Godfather (PS2, Xbox)
- Godzilla: Save the Earth (PS2)
- GoldenEye : Rogue Agent (PS2, Xbox, GC)
- Golden Land (PC)
- Golden Land: Cold Skies (PC)
- Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris (PC)
- Gradius V (PS2)
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
- Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)
- Ground Control 2 (PC)
- GT-R 400 (PS2)
- Guild Wars (PC)
- Guilty Gear Isuka (PS2)
- Half-Life 2 (PC)
- Halo 2 (Xbox)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (CG, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Headhunter redemption (PS2, Xbox)
- Heroes of the Pacific (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- Homeplanet: Playing with Fire (PC)
- Hot Shots Golf Fore ! (PS2)
- IHRA Professional Drag Racing (PC, Xbox)
- Imperator (PC)
- The Incredibles (GC, GBA, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- IndyCar Series 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- Inuits (PS2, PC)
- Iron Phoenix (Xbox)
- Jade Empire (Xbox)
- Jak and Daxter III (PS2)
- Juiced (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Kameo: Elements of Power (Xbox)
- Killzone (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
- Knights of Honor (PC)
- Knight Rider 2 (PC)
- KOF: Maximum Impact (PS2)
- Kreed (PC)
- Kreed: Battle for Savitar (PC)
- Legends of Wrestling: Showdown (PS2, Xbox)
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GC)
- Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Xbox, PS2, GC, GBA, PC)
- Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle (PC)
- The Lord Of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth (PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA)
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (PS2, Xbox)
- The Lord of the Rings, The Third Age (PS2)
- Lula 3D (PC)
- Madden NFL 2005 (CG, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Magic: The Gathering Online (PC)
- Major League Baseball 2005 (PS2)
- March Madness 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- Mario Golf: Advance Tour (GBA)
- Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (GC)
- Mashed (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- The Matrix Online (PC)
- MechAssault 2 (Xbox)
- Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (PC)
- Medieval Lords (PC)
- Megaman Anniversary Collection (PS2)
- Megaman X Command Mission (PS2)
- Megaman X8 (PS2)
- Men of Valor: The Vietnam War (PC, Xbox)
- Mercenaries (PS2, Xbox)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
- Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)
- Metal Slug Advance (GBA)
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC)
- Miami Vice (PC)
- Missing (In Memoriam) (PC)
- La Momie: La série animée (PS2, PC)
- Monster Hunter (PS2)
- Mortal Kombat: Deception (PS2, Xbox)
- The Movies (PC)
- MTV Music Generator 3 (PS2, Xbox)
- Myst IV: Revelation (PC)
- Mythica (PC)
- Nanobreaker (PS2)
- NASCAR 2005: Chase For The Cup (PS2, Xbox, GC)
- NBA Live 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GC, PC)
- NCAA Football 2005 (PS2, Xbox, GC)
- NCAA March Madness 2005 (PS2, Xbox)
- Neo Contra (PS2)
- Neuro (PC)
- NHL Hockey 2005 (PS2)
- Nicktoons (working title) (PS2)
- Notorious: Die to Drive (PS2, Xbox)
- Officers (PC)
- Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (PS2)
- Operation Flashpoint (Xbox)
- Operation Flashpoint 2 (PC)
- Otogi 2 (Xbox)
- OutRun2 (Xbox)
- Pacific Fighters (PC)
- Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight (PS2)
- Painkiller (Xbox)
- Paper Mario 2 (GC)
- ParaWorld (PC)
- Pariah (Xbox, PC)
- Parkan II (PC)
- Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox)
- Perimeter (PC)
- Phantom Brave (PS2)
- Phase: Exodus (PC)
- Pikmin 2 (GC)
- Playboy: The Mansion (PC)
- The Polar Express (GBA, GC, PC, PS2)
- Predator (PC)
- Prince of Persia 2 (titre provisoire)
- Project Delta (titre provisoire)
- Project Minerva (PS2)
- Psi-Ops (PS2, Xbox)
- PT Boats: Knights of the Sea (PC)
- The Punisher (PS2, Xbox)
- Ratchet & Clank 3 (PS2)
- Rave Master International (PS2)
- Rave Master Special Attack! Now (GBA)
- Red Ninja (PS2, Xbox)
- The Red Star (PS2, Xbox)
- Return of the General Lee (PC)
- Rig'n'Roll (PC)
- Rise of the Kisai (PS2)
- Robotech Invasion (PS2)
- Rocky Legends (PS2, Xbox)
- RollerCoaster Tycoon III (PC)
- Rome: Total War (PC)
- The Roots (PC)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (PC)
- Samurai Shodown 5 (PS2, Xbox)
- SEGA SuperStars (PS2)
- The Settlers V (titre provisoire) (PC)
- Shade (PC)
- Shadow of Rome (PS2)
- Shadow Ops : Red Mercury (Xbox, PC)
- Shaman King Master Of Spirits (GBA)
- Shaman King Power Of Spirit (PS2)
- Shark Tale (Xbox, PS2, GC, GBA, PC)
- ShellShock: Nam '67 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- The Shield (PS2, Xbox)
- Shin Megami Tensei III : Nocturne (PS2)
- Shrek 2 (GC, GBA, PS2, XBox, PC)
- Sid Meier's Pirates! (PC)
- Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2, Xbox)
- Silent Hunter III (PC)
- The Sims 2 (PC)
- Sly Raccoon 2 (PS2)
- Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 (PS2)
- Snap (titre provisoire)
- SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos (Xbox)
- Soldiers: Heroes of World War II (PC)
- Söldner: Secret Wars (PC)
- Sonic Heroes (PC)
- Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PS2)
- Space Rangers 2 (PC)
- Sphere (PC)
- Spider-Man 2 (Xbox, PS2, GC, GBA, PC)
- Spikeout Battle Street (Xbox)
- Splinter Cell 3
- SpongeBob:The Movie (Toutes)
- Spy Fiction (PS2)
- Spyro: A Hero's Tail (GC, PS2, Xbox)
- Stalingrad (PC)
- Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time (PS2)
- Star Wars: Battlefront (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Xbox, PC)
- Star Wars: Republic Commando (PC, Xbox)
- Star Wolves (PC)
- Starcraft: Ghost (GC, PS2, Xbox)
- StarRush (PC)
- Starship Troopers (PC, Xbox)
- Starsky & Hutch 2 (PC, PS2, Xbox)
- State of Emergency 2 (PS2)
- Steel Dragon Ex (PS2)
- Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (PS2)
- Street Racing Syndicate (GC, PS2, Xbox)
- Sudeki (Xbox)
- The Suffering (PC)
- Suikoden IV (PS2)
- Superpower 2 (PC)
- Swashbucklers: Legacy of Drake (PC)
- Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (PS2)
- T.H.U.G. 2 (PC)
- Tabula Rasa (PC)
- Taiko Drum Master
- Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (GBA, GC, PS2, Xbox)
- Tales of Symphonia (GC)
- Tekken 5
- Terminator 3: Redemption (PS2, Xbox)
- Test Drive: Eve of Destruction (PS2)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (GC, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (PS2)
- TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect (PS2, Xbox, GC)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 (GC, PC, PS2, Xbox)
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Black Arrow (Xbox)
- TransFormers (PS2)
- Tribes: Vengeance (PC)
- UFO: Aftershock (PC)
- Under the Skin (PS2)
- Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (Xbox)
- The Urbz (PS2, Xbox, GC, GBA)
- Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (PC)
- Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (PC)
- Van Helsing (GBA, PS2, Xbox)
- Viewtiful Joe (PS2)
- Viewtiful Joe 2 (PS2)
- Vivisector (PC)
[W-X -Y-Z]
- Way of the Samurai 2 (PS2)
- Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War (PC)
- Warhammer Online (PC)
- The Warriors (PS2)
- The Witcher (PC)
- World of Warcraft (PC)
- World Tour Soccer 2005 (PS2)
- World War I (PC)
- Worms Forts Under Siege (PS2, Xbox, PC)
- WWE Day of Reckoning (GC)
- WWX Rumble Rose (PS2)
- X-Men Legends (Xbox, PS2, GC)
- Xenosaga Episode II (PS2)
- XIII Century: Sword and Honor (PC)
- Xyanide (Xbox, GBA, N-Cage)
- You Are Empty (PC)
- Yu Yu Hakusho : Dark Tournament (PS2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum (PS2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler (GBA)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaos Joey The Passion (PC)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef Of Destruction (GBA)
- Zoo Tycoon 2 (PC)