Tribes 2 : un nouveau patch beta
05 juin 2002

Écrit par Netsabes

Comme promis, Garage Games, la boite des anciens de Dynamix, commence à assurer le support logiciel pour Tribes II avec la sortie d'un premier nouveau patch (beta, on ne change pas ses vieilles habitudes comme ça, après tout). Ce patch, que l'on peut télécharger en cliquant juste ici, corrige une véritable foultitude de choses, mais pourrait également rajouter des bugs et causer de nouveaux plantages (le patch n'est pas en version beta pour rien, après tout).
Ceux qui désirent tester le patch sont donc invités par les développeurs à rapporter tout bug découvert dans ce forum, ce qui, dans l'idéal, permettra à Garage Games de corriger les bugs et de sortir un patch final stable.
Pour lire la liste de toutes les modifications apportées au jeu et de tous les principaux bugs corrigés, cliquez juste sur En savoir plus

Mission Editing Tools
* The Torque Game Engine mission editor has been back-ported to Tribes 2. The new editor offers numerous interface enhancements and improved functionality. For more information on how to use the new mission editor, press <F1> in the editor.
* The Interior inspect apply has been fixed to properly update position and scale of interiors.

Gameplay-related Fixes
* Flag hovering over friendly players fixed (z & Z)
* Fixed lingering repair projectile
* Incorrect image datablock parameter value fixed for ELFBarrelLarge (z & Z)
* Fixed FPS slowdown from multiple damage/flash overlays
* <NULL> string bug fixed
* Tank lightning kill UE fixed
* Disc spread removed, discs now fire to center of reticle
* ELF has been significantly nerfed
* Trigger delay on weapon fire gone
* Players and vehicles should no longer get randomly yanked around during play (net hitches)
* ELF projectile now properly removed when target is destroyed (z & Z)
* Added QueryPerformanceCounter high resolution timer to fix FPS slowdown bug
* Fixed console spam in CTF games (z & Z)
* Fixed objective HUD updating in CTF (z & Z)
* Fixed deploy objects inside other shapes exploit (z & Z)
* Mines are now checked for mission ban list in inventory (z & Z)
* Turret owner now properly reset on client drop or team change (z & Z)
* Vehicle reticle disappearance bug fixed (z & Z)
* Multiple station bugs fixed (z & Z)
* Fixed missing ammo globals (z & Z)
* Fixed unlimited grenade exploit (z & Z)
* Fixed satchel charge pack bug (z & Z)
* Fixed incorrect image datablock parameters in turrets and bomber (z & Z)

Scripting-related Fixes and Additions
* Added package script fix for Parent chaining on package deactivate (z & Z)
* Added formatTimeString() script command (Thanks Bryan Ross!)
* Fixed controlDefaults trigger bugs (thanks z0dd!)
* Fixed message.cs to allow clients to do ~w voice binds
* setGravity() and getGravity() functions for setting gravity from script added
* Added noFrictionOnSki parameter to player datablock for T1-like skiing
* Moved the execution call to message.cs to an earlier spot in console_end.cs for scriptors (z & Z)

Admin-related Fixes
* Added script notification when a telnet client is added (z & Z)
* Fixed remote eval security hole in admin.cs
* SAD, Admin and Super Admin lists now export (z & Z)
* Tourney mode team pick bug fixed (z & Z)

T2TV-related Fixes
* Fix for T2TV shared read/write
* Fixed zipSubStream to properly write out final blocks on demo streams (for T2TV)

Misc. Changes and Fixes
* News and Forums shell pages removed
* Added GG splash screen logo
* IRC client crash UE fixed (with improper tags)
* Minor Radeon init fix

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