Cette nuit, comme tous les premiers jeudis du mois, avait lieu un chat avec les développeurs d'Anachronox. On y a appris, entre autres que l'on pourrait importer des models Lightwave dans le jeu, et en cherchant bien des models 3DSMAX, que le nombre de polygones moyen était de 650 par personnage, environ, que l'APE, le langage de script du jeu ressemblerait au C, et que les suites, contrairement à l'add-on déjà prévu, utiliseraient un autre moteur.
Evidemment, comme le chat n'était pas modéré, ça parlait de tout et de rien, les questions fusaient, et il a plus été question de la comparaison FF9/Zelda: Le masque de Majora et de programmation en C++ que d'Anachronox, au final. Les passages importants et les meilleurs moments (en anglais) se trouvent juste après le lien.
[Payno] whens it out??!
[ION_Tom] w h e n i t ' s d o n e
[Burpfish] WOW.. When it's done...I thought 3d Realms (c) that saying Tom
[ION_Tom] burp: no that was originally the authors of GS/OS 6.0 on the Apple II gs, then we at id copied that. :)
[Byron] Is it true you can only import Lightwave 3D models into the Anachornox?
[ION_343] Byron: Yes, LW only. *cry*
[Byron] I have 3D Studio MAX and more people use 3D Studio then Lightwave.
[TheZealot] Can't you theoretically convert a 3DS Max to LW then deliver that?
[ION_343] Theoretically...
[TheZealot] So there we go. Theoretically it can be done! :)
[ION_343] Zeal: It's just that Max hates LW UVs, and things are wonky.
[Payno] Whos makin the music for Anox?
[ION_Tom] payno: soundelux did a lot, will nevins our musician is doing the rest....
[Payno] would u be a dear and release some music from the game?
[Squirrel] Payno: we did
[TheZealot] Here are the links for the music files
[TheZealot] [http]
[TheZealot] [http]
[ION_Tom] "to win the game you must kill MEEEE John Romeroooo"
[ION_Tom] I'm looking for a retro-release on the Sega Master System.
[ION_Tom] APE is like C/Java/Basic.
[Squirrel] Payno: v5 runs 1280x960 fine in anox.
[Terrence] I'm curious about character poly counts.
[ION_343] About 650... that neighborhoos...
[ION_343] At least one monster is 2000, but I think he's alone.
[g3rmz] Anachronox 2 in 2010!!
[ION_Tom] No, all the rest of the Anox's are gonna be a lot faster. :)