Une récente nouvelle sur le site officiel de Shadowbane, ce jeu à univers persistant où le joueur évolue dans un monde glauque à souhait et surtout cruel (à souhait aussi ?), nous apprend que l'équipe qui développe le jeu a décidé de repousser sa date de sortie, originalement fixée au premier semestre 2002. Repoussé à quand ? When it's ready, qu'ils disent, ca nous change un peu du traditionnel "When It's Done". Ci-après le communiqué officiel...
We would like to take a moment to let you know the current status of Shadowbane and the upcoming testing schedule.
As you are aware, Shadowbane is currently undergoing a closed beta test which has been extremely helpful for us to identify ways to improve the gameplay as well as uncover bugs that are not easily discovered by our internal Quality Assurance tests. We would like to give a big thanks to our beta testers for continuing to work hard to help make Shadowbane a great experience for everyone.
Wolfpack Studios has also been hard at work addressing all the issues that have cropped up in the past 9 weeks of beta testing. All of us at Ubi Soft and Wolfpack Studios are continuing to work to improve and solidify all the game systems, incorporate new ideas where possible, and refine and perfect existing ones. You will be happy to know that Aerynth is constantly growing and evolving into a fantastic and compelling world -- a place that we hope you will be extremely proud to call your future home.
Although Ubi Soft and Wolfpack Studios originally announced that the game would launch in the first half of 2002, we have collectively determined that it will be in the best interests of the game if we extend the beta test for a few more months. Rather than rush the game out the door, Wolfpack Studios and Ubi Soft have decided that we will release the game "when it is ready".
At this time we cannot commit to an exact date of the game's launch, but we are working as hard as possible with Wolfpack to release the game as fast as possible, but without compromising the level of quality of the game. We can, however, shed some light on our short-term testing schedule.
Our current plan is to steadily increase the number of players in the beta test throughout the next few months, culminating in a very large test group (thinking many thousands) some time this summer.
We understand that many of you will be disappointed that we have missed a deadline for this game, and we, along with Wolfpack, apologize for that. All of us at Wolfpack Studios and Ubi Soft greatly appreciate the support that you have shown for Shadowbane and we thank you for your patience while we work to complete the game and ensure that Shadowbane lives up to its full potential. We will be sure to inform you of our progress with the beta test, and we will make a best effort to include as many people as possible in that effort.
The Shadowbane Team
Wolfpack Studios and ubi.com