Update server WastelandHL
05 janv. 2001

Écrit par Netsabes

Un patch pour les serveurs de Wasteland HL, le mod fendart d'Half-Life énormément (et c'est peu dire) (c'est même un doux euphémisme, tiens) inspiré de Fallout est apparu avant-hier. Ce n'est pas encore la version 2.1, mais juste un *petit* patch pour corriger des *petits* bugs du serveur et rajouter 2 ou 3 broutilles.
Le descriptif complet juste là, oui, là, en cliquant sur la flèche.

Au menu des corrections et ajouts, donc:

* Ammunition amounts have been lowered – MP-5 is much better without tons of ammo
* Single Colt is now semi-automatic like the other single pistols
* 3rd person reloads added for single colt and beretta
* You can choose AKIMBO WEAPONS from the spawn menus (note that if you do not download the update, and you connect to a server running the updated version, you may not get the exact weapons you picked. A new titles.txt is included in the update, but if you don't feel like getting it, you can still get the titles.txt HERE.
* Sprites have been updated to make WHL a better experience on low resolutions, as well as fixing some ammo readout bugs. Thanks to Kissel who made a lot of changes on his own time! He has new laser sights and crosshairs as well, which we may release in a separate package.
* Spear sounds renamed to work with B2.0 (thanks Kissel), beretta sounds remixed, colt reload sound added
* Certain models have been reskinned, particularly the 3rd person pistols, which were still using the development skins. Whoops! Thanks again to Kissel who made the changes!
* "Zoom Bug" with FNFAL and G-11 fixed

Ce qui nous fait donc pas mal de choses, en attendant la beta 2.1, qui, avec un peu de chance, ne devrait plus trop tarder...

Et tout ça se télécharge ici.

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